KEYS Lower Campus Winter Concert 2017 Ordering Page


SC & WC are abbreviations for Spring Concert & Winter Concert. If you own a 55″ TV or bigger (such as 4K TV) we strongly suggest to order BluRay for the best quality, as DVD will pixalate.

**Please be willing to provide valid proof that your child attends Keys school, as we take privacy of the families very serous.**

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

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Every year we capture the new theme of the concert into a custom DVD including: an in-depth menu,  highlight montage of the event, and the exact video coverage to capture the entirety of your kids performance. Making that day even more memorable than before.

Additional information


BluRay (SC 2011), BluRay (SC 2012), BluRay (SC 2013), BluRay (SC 2014), BluRay (SC 2015), BluRay (SC 2016), BluRay (SC 2017), BluRay (WC 2011), BluRay (WC 2012), BluRay (WC 2013), BluRay (WC 2014), BluRay (WC 2015), BluRay (WC 2016), BluRay (WC 2017), DVD (SC 2011), DVD (SC 2012), DVD (SC 2013), DVD (SC 2014), DVD (SC 2015), DVD (SC 2016), DVD (SC 2017), DVD (WC 2011), DVD (WC 2012), DVD (WC 2013), DVD (WC 2014), DVD (WC 2015), DVD (WC 2016), DVD (WC 2017)